disruptive ideas vol. 3 no. 2

Oxfam’s excellent inequality report
“Most people won’t read the whole report, of course, but they should, because it’s a powerful indictment of the forces exacerbating global inequality, backed by real on-the-ground reporting.”
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Our wide brown land
“The nation is losing the political will to protect our pristine places – and biodiversity is suffering.”
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Language at the end of the world
“Of all the literatures in the world, the smallest and most enigmatic belongs without question to the people of Easter Island. It is written in a script – rongorongo – that no one can decipher.”
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‘Bizarre overreach’: charities fear regulator wants to control their spending
“Controversial new commissioner Gary Johns is pushing for new powers that not-for-profits say are ‘absurd’.”

Next-gen donors: what you need to know
“Philanthropy Australia CEO, Sarah Davies, unpacks the priorities and preferences of next-generation givers.”

The month of giving dangerously
“Elizabeth Greenwood decides to give everything: time, money, praise, forgiveness. But when does generosity become a mania for giving?”
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